Polka dot bear

mardi, le 06 octobre 2009

Last night The Lawyer’s wife gave birth to a very little boy. This young Scotsman is bound to grow into an explorer of note. Two months before his scheduled date of arrival, he decided it’s time to leave the comfort of the womb and step into the big wide world!

I saw The Lawyer tonight. He reports that mom and son are both doing fine.

(The story in the photograph: Fortunately I saw this adorable little polka dot bear a week or so ago and could not resist buying it. Did I maybe suspect that the young Scotsman was going to be an early riser like his father?)


  1. I want to give it a squeeze. (Lucky young Scotsman.)

  2. Congratulations to the new Mom and Dad! What an adorable bear!

  3. How sweet. Who gets to name him?
